Regular Meeting - February 15, 2010 PDF Print E-mail



Mayor Spencer Knight called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge city council on the above date.  Council members Tom Strott, Brenda Thompson and James Bratcher were present as were members of the public.  Council member Bill Spann was absent.



There were none.



Brenda Thompson made motion that the minutes of the January 19, 2010 meeting be approved as submitted.  Tom Strott seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.



Debbie Rutherford gave an update of the checking account and utility billing balances.



Mayor Knight advised that only one quote was received for the construction of the gazebo.  He said the bid included three options, the highest being $33,225.00 and the lowest $28,475.00.  Tom Strott said you have to consider that you are getting an asset for your money.  We are really re-allocating our assets.  I think we need to build it right so it will stand the test of time.  He said it would have been nice to have another bid but I think we should go ahead with it.  James Bratcher asked if they would be removing the bandstand.  Tom Strott said that Adrian Bishop would be moving the bandstand for $910.00.  Tom Strott made motion to accept the bid from JVK Construction with the inclusion for demolition of the brick wall and repair of the pavers with a metal roof and louvers instead of windows for a total price of $31,162.20.  James Bratcher seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.



 Demetris Gettis addressed the council and stated that he had attended a workshop for the second round of stimulus grants for broadband service this past Friday.  He said I had concerns about paying back the loan money.  The government understands the burden on smaller cities.  He said if we received a grant of one million then our loan amount would be $250,000.00.  The grant and the loan would go towards building the entire facility.  I would have to have a way to pay it back.  He said we would have five years to prove that it will make a profit.  They want us to spell out in our grant package how we are going to use the funding.  Tom Strott asked can you plug in your operating costs into the grant.  Mr. Gettis said that he could during those five years.  Mayor Knight asked what do you need from us.  Mr. Gettis said letters of support from you all and from the residents.  He said we have to have a good story for the community.  He stated I am proposing what is called the last mile where I would have to connect to the home and business.  Letters from businesses, community leaders and residents saying that they support the program would be the most help in getting the grant.  Tom Strott said once we start and get the grant are we on the hook to get a loan.  Mr. Gettis said I would submit the grant package as a small business so I would be on the hook.  He said this is all about economic development and creating more jobs.  We have thirty days to get the grant package together.  James Bratcher made motion for the city to write a letter of support for Demetris Gettis effort to bring broadband to the city of Rutledge.  Tom Strott seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.



Brenda Thompson made motion to exit regular session for the purpose of entering executive session to discuss one legal matter.  Tom Strott seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.  Brenda Thompson made motion to exit executive session for the purpose of entering regular session.  Tom Strott seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Brenda Thompson made motion to authorize attorney Christian Henry to send a letter to Jay Moss and Michael Nabors in regards to the issue of the alley and fence behind the Yesterday Café.  Tom Strott seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.





Last Updated on Wednesday, July 14 2010 15:18


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