Regular Meeting - February 20, 2018 PDF Print E-mail


Mayor Bruce Altznauer called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council on the above date. Council members Brenda Thompson, Tony Sells, Tim Smith and Brandi Owens were present as were members of the public.


Mayor Altznauer called for and led the pledge of allegiance.


Brenda Thompson made motion to amend the agenda to ad Business License Approval as item number 7-A. Tim Smith seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Brenda Thompson made motion to approve the minutes of the January 16, 2018 meeting as submitted. Tony Sells seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Citizen with utility issue on Nunnally Street was not present


Mayor Altznauer advised the council that the employees had been cleaning out the shed and other buildings and there is some old equipment that we need to sell. The attorney said anything 500.00 or under can be sold out right. If the equipment is worth more than $500.00 we need to advertise it. He informed the council that we would be putting an ad in the paper and would ask for sealed bids. Tony Sells asked if it is operational. He said yes and no, the motor is blown in the golf cart, we can no longer get parts for the Toro mower and there are just problems with all the other. We are not using any of the equipment that is on that list.


Mayor Altznauer informed the council that a lot of progress has been made on the well. He said the roof is on and once it is complete the doors will be installed and then the electrical will be done. We have an extension from EPD until March of 2019. There is a lot of block left over that we will be reimbursed for.


Mayor Altznauer stated that all the stuff that was cleaned out of the shed that could be recycled was and we collected around $97.00 on the first trip and about $360.00 on the second trip.

He said the Arbor Day celebration was Friday and they had a good turnout. He said they gave us a new flag and signage. It was very informative.

Molly Lesnikowski with the Beautification Committee was present and wanted to give an update on the upcoming events in Rutledge. She said we are in the activity season. I met the Tree committee and we put our heads together and Beautification is going to replace the dead trees at the park. We would like to get the town to plant the trees and have the City dig the holes. Beautification will underwrite the whole thing. It needs to be done soon. The trees are Autumn Glory Maples. There are some next to the fence line that are dead. There are also some plants under the trees up front that need to be replaced. We have also had a request to install some benches for the park. The enameled park benches are around $900.00 and the location would be between the maples looking towards the basketball court. The ants need to be treated now. Our upcoming activities are: the Egg Roll on Palm Sunday which is March 23rd or 24th, the yard sale is April 14th, the Bragg bike ride is coming up and the Rutledge Fair will be Memorial Day weekend. The recreation department will be handling the parade. She said we are always looking for volunteers. Jennifer Buzzbee is going to talk to Andy Ainsley about a space that they can use at the fire department. The clerk advised that the fire department no longer lets anyone use that because of all the fire equipment. Molly also advised that they were planning on doing three water slides this year and for the long term we are still talking about installing a splash park if the City approves having one in town. Brenda Thompson informed Molly that the church would like to get involved. Molly said it would be great if they could help with the fair.

Sherry Dukes was present and complained about the trash on the ROW on Fairplay in front of the apartments across from the fire department. Debbie Kilgore advised that it was already being addressed with the land owner.


Mayor Altznauer advised that a business license application had been submitted by Tom Strott for a home office for Town & Country Custom Homes, Inc. located at 160 Fairplay Street and this use is allowed. Brenda Thompson made motion to approve the business license application submitted by Tom Strott for Town & Country Custom Homes, Inc. Tim Smith seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.

Mayor Altznauer asked if there was anything else. Ed Hogan advised the council that he would water the new trees that get planted

Tony Sells made motion to adjourn at 7:35 pm. Brenda Thompson seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


______________________________________ __________________________________

Bruce Altznauer Mayor Debbie Kilgore City Clerk





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