Mayor Spencer Knight called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council on the above date. Council members Brenda Thompson, Anthony Sells and Tim Smith were present as were members of the public. Council member Bruce Altznauer was absent.
Mayor Knight called for and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Knight asked if there were any announcements. Brandy Owens introduced herself and stated that she was running for City Council. She said she had been a lifelong resident. She said that she was the librarian at the Social Circle School and recently had taken a day trip to North Georgia and saw something that was called “Little Library” and thought it would be a good idea for Rutledge. It would promote literacy and would be on the honor system. They would take a book and leave one. She said she was seeking approval and permission and it would not cost Rutledge anything and would like to put it in front of City Hall next to the tourism stand. Brenda Thompson said she had seen a lot of these. Brandy Owens stated it would be free for everyone and would include children’s books, cook books and novels. The Council had no objections to the library.
Brenda Thompson made motion to approve the minutes of the August 15, 2017 minutes as submitted. Tim Smith seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.
Mayor Knight advised the Council that the resolution could not be approved to accept the roads in the Falls Subdivision until the deed was received.
Linda Oates addressed the council and said that this year their focus was going to be on veterans. She said that they had worked hard and got the mural completed and now we want to go further. We want to make crosses for veterans and display them on Memorial Day and Veterans Day. She said they will sell for $25.00 and we will assemble them and put the name on it. She said we thought about placing them on Newborn Road where the Bradford pears have been cut down. There is a big display at a church in Social Circle. We have had an overwhelming response. We can get a list of names through the church and by word of mouth. I think we are at about 50 and hope to be at 100 for next year. Mayor Knight said he thought it was a great idea. He said you need a nice way to store them, maybe in plastic containers. Mayor Knight said we can find a spot to put them. Tim Smith asked if they would be sending out a brochure. She said we are going to come up with a flyer. Mayor Knight thanked the Garden Club and told them he thought it was a really good idea. He said we will find a place for them to be stored but they need to be in a container to keep them clean.
Josephine Clark addressed the council and said she was there about getting a speed hump for East Main Street near Macedonia Church. Mayor Knight advised her that a study would have to be done by an engineer and he would write a report and submit it to the council. He said and he could come back and say that we don’t need one there. Mrs. Clark said we do need one it is not safe. Mayor Knight said that he could put an electronic sign and have the sheriff monitor the speed. Ann Elder advised the council that a speed hump needs to be placed on Williams Street also. Mayor Knight advised that he would contact Sheriff Markley and have him bring out a digital sign. Council member Sells said that there are signs leaning all over Rutledge that need to be straightened. Debbie Kilgore said she would write up a work order.
Brenda Thompson made motion to adjourn at 7:20 pm. Tony Sells seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.
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Spencer H. Knight Mayor Debbie Kilgore City Clerk