Regular Meeting - October 18, 2016 PDF Print E-mail


Mayor Spencer Knight called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council on the above date. Council members Brenda Thompson, Tony Sells, Tim Smith and Bruce Altznauer were present as were members of the public.


Mayor Knight called for and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Brenda Thompson made motion to approve the minutes of the September 30, 2016 meeting as submitted. Bruce Altznauer seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Mayor Knight advised the council that an application had been submitted from Cliff Shumate for a home office for Cliff’s Towing and Transport located at 505 West Main Street. Mr. Shumate was not present. Mayor Knight stated that a home office is allowed. He stated that no outside storage, display or signs are permitted. He said one business vehicle is allowed but shall not exceed 6 tires and/or 2 axles with a carrying capacity not to exceed 1 ½ tons. Brenda Thompson made motion to approve the home office only for Cliff’s Towing & Transport provided that it meets the ordinance on the size and carrying capacity of the one business vehicle. Tony Sells seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Mayor Knight stated that the business license had been discussed last month and that the council needed more information. Alexus Chrisley was present and introduced herself and stated that she had rented the building located at 124 Fairplay Street and her original license was for an Event Facility but it was not allowed. She said that she spoke with Hard Labor Creek and they did not have a problem with her having events such as weddings. She said that she spoke to the county and a community center is allowed. Mayor Knight agreed that a community center is allowed. Mayor Knight stated so you will not be having weddings. Alexus said she was going to be doing some programs with youth that will be good for students. She said it will be good for Rutledge, something fun for the community. Mayor Knight advised that parking could become a problem. Tim Smith asked how many bathrooms. She answered just one. Mayor Knight said parking will be an issue, but as long as it is permitted we can’t tell you no. Bruce asked would there be working hours. She said yes. Bruce Altznauer said is it a community center or event center. Alexus Chrisley said community centers are rented out. Bruce Altznauer said hours are normally eight to five. Alexus Chrisley responded there may be a game night. Bruce stated I am concerned about noise. Alexus stated that there is music in the park. Greg Cavander was present and stated they have put a lot of money in that building. If parking is the main issue bringing people in the city has an upside. Brenda Thompson said I would love to see the building rented. When they have the Spooky Fall Fest, that is a lot of parking. Mr. Cavander said she is willing to shuttle people for parking if needed. Brenda Thompson said people always manage to find a parking spot. Ed Hogan stated if you have a venue with 100 people it will be a shuttle issue because 50 people chokes the town. Bruce Altznauer said how will you stop more than 50 people. Mayor Knight said if it becomes an issue we will have to deal with it then. He said so the small events will be in Rutledge and the large events will be held at Hard Labor Creek state park. He stated we need to accept the community center at face value and I need to get with Chuck Jarrell on this. Tony Sells stated you are talking about working with youth are you going to use teachers that are certified. Alexus Chrisley said a community center is usually people in the community that are involved. Tony Sells said I just want whoever works with the children to be safe. Brenda Thompson made motion to approve the community center contingent that Mayor Knight talks with Chuck Jarrell. Tim Smith for, Tony Sells voted for and Bruce Altznauer voted against. Motion carried with a constitutional majority.


Bruce Altznauer said he was concerned about safety with the condition of some of the sidewalks. There are a lot of sidewalks in disrepair. I think this is the city’s responsibility. There are some on Fairplay and there are different kinds. Some are the octagon shaped. The sidewalks on Church Street are bad. There is a lot of foot traffic by my house, it is uneven and I am afraid there is a potential for someone to get hurt. It is a safety issue. Mayor Knight said we need to come in and make a curb cut. I need to make sure whose responsibility it is to fix them. Frankie Beers was present and stated that she had tripped on the sidewalks before. Bruce Altznauer asked if the ones on Fairplay could be taken up. Mayor Knight said to let him check into it and we would go from there. Tim Smith stated that we might be able to get a sidewalk grant. Mayor Knight said let me find out what we are responsible for first.


Mayor Knight advised the council that we need to update the BBQ Shed regulations. He said we will discuss the noise ordinance in conjunction with this also. Mayor Knight read the list of current BBQ shed regulations. After discussion the council decided that the BBQ shed would only be rented to residents of Rutledge and no longer to non-residents. Deposit will be raised to $100.00 but returned if all is in order. Hours will be posted. Hours will be different from summer to winter. No alcohol on the premises, no loud music. The person who rents the facility will be on the premises at all times. If law enforcement gets complaints about any issue there will only be one warning given. City Clerk Debbie Kilgore will get the new regulations typed up and after council review they will be in effect. Renter must sign a copy of the regulations at the time the deposit is paid.


Mayor Knight advised the council that we need to update the noise ordinance. He said that there had been complaints about the loud music at the BBQ shed. He stated that he had bought a decibel meter so we can now measure the noise level. He said normal noise would register at 40 and if someone was yelling it would register at 50. He said a limit needs to be put in the ordinance and the sheriff’s department can pick up the decibel meter when they have a noise complaint.


Debbie Kilgore advised the council that many water customers had asked about the city taking credit and debit cards for payments. She said that the company called Bluestone Payments was recommended by the Bank of Madison. It will cost $35.00 per month whether we use it or not. The machine is $299.00 and there is a different percentage charge for every credit card. After much discussion on different methods the mayor and council came to the conclusion that it cost too much and did not approve it.


Tony Sells commented on the pot holes being fixed and thanked the mayor. Mayor Knight stated that there had been past request for a fence at the park down the property line next to the Duke’s land. He said he had got a price of $6,000.00 and needed approval. Sherry Kelly and her husband were present and she spoke about all the people coming on their property and other issues that had been ongoing since the park had been completed. She said they had been told that a fence was going up for a long time. Mayor Knight advised the fence would be black chain link and five feet high. Bruce Altznauer made motion to approve the expenditure of $6,000.00 for the fence. Tim Smith seconded the motion. Brenda Thompson voted against, Tony Sells voted against, Bruce Altznauer voted for, Tim Smith voted for. Mayor Knight voted for and motion carried with a constitutional majority.

Mayor Knight advised that a legal issue needed to be discussed in executive session. Brenda Thompson made motion to enter executive session. Bruce Altznauer seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.

One legal issue was discussed, no vote taken. Brenda Thompson made motion to adjourn at 9:05pm. Bruce Altznauer seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.




Last Updated on Wednesday, November 16 2016 13:45


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