Regular Meeting - February 17, 2015 PDF Print E-mail


Mayor James Bratcher called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council on the above date. Council members Brenda Thompson, Chad Cook, Tim Smith and Bruce Altznauer were present as were members of the public.

Mayor Bratcher said the agenda needs to be amended to add an item to approve a business license. Brenda Thompson made motion to amend the agenda to add Business License approval as item #9. Chad Cook seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Mayor Bratcher announced that Winterville, Georgia is hosting a forum on Economic Development through Tourism on Friday, February 20, 2015 from 10:00 am until 12:00 pm. He said Debbie had reserved two attendees for the City. No council members are available to attend. Brenda Thompson said it does not have to be city officials. No members of the public present at the meeting were able to attend.


Chad Cook made motion to approve the minutes of the January 20, 2015 meeting as submitted. Tim Smith seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Mayor Bratcher said the Falls Subdivision wants to submit a letter of credit to the city for the maintenance bond the city is currently holding. The city attorney said it would be okay as long as he approves the wording and the letter of credit is with a bank the city is familiar with. The city is currently holding a $72,000.00 cash bond and it would be replaced with the letter of credit if approved. The matter will be brought back to the Council once the attorney approves the letter of credit and the bank is decided on.


Dr. Michael Hughes was present and wanted to inquire about a future parking lot for the city. He said the current parking spaces won’t accommodate the future dentist office and other business’ needs. He said his business currently has 10 employees and is looking to adding 2 more. His employees are not taking parking spaces and are parking elsewhere. He said he is not looking to add parking for his employees. He said his business brings in about 100 people to town every day. He thinks the town would benefit from adding an asphalt parking lot with good lighting behind the row of businesses on Fairplay St. The subject of who owns the wooden fence beside the alley off Martha Lane was brought up. Mayor Bratcher said the City cannot touch the fence. Dr. Hughes and Kris Bray said the merchants will approach the owner of the fence and area around the fence about enhancing the area behind the Fairplay St. stores.

Kris Bray asked the council if the $500.00 promised to the merchants a couple of years ago for a wooden sign on the corner of Hwy 278 and Newborn Rd. would carry over to this year since it did not happen when the council originally approved it. She said Joellen Artz was unable to move forward with the original plans for installing the sign due to family illness. Brenda Thompson said she did not recall the council promising the money. Ouida Autry said the minutes had been researched and no motion was made to give the money for the sign. There was discussion and the merchants were supposed to get together information and bring back to council and that never happened. Kris Bray will get together the information and bring back to the council in March. She also said she would like for the City to help the merchants pay for a metal sign to be installed on I-20 interstate. The cost of this sign is $1800.00 per year. It is a yearly fee. Chad Cook asked Ouida Autry how much was paid last year to the Chamber of Commerce. She said it was $1500.00. He said he would rather help pay for a sign on I-20 instead of paying for the merchants membership with the Chamber of Commerce. Kris Bray and council member Bruce Altznauer both said they would like for Bob Hughes to come to the next council meeting and talk about what the Chamber can do for the city. Bruce said he would like to make sure the merchants who are receiving the membership are taking advantage of what the Chamber can do for them.


Kris Bray said there is going to be a community picnic and new park grand opening on Friday night, May 1st. Mayor Bratcher said Debbie had talked with Molly and she said Commissioner Andy Ainslie said the County has agreed to pave the apron around the Fire Department entrance. Bruce Altznauer said he would like for Commissioner Ainslie to come to the next meeting before they start paving to let us know what their plan is.


The Council agreed to reschedule the planning retreat with Chuck Jarrell and Tara Cooner to March 5th at 6:00 pm. The work session is to discuss expected growth due to Stanton Springs.


Mayor Bratcher said there have been complaints about the Bradford pear trees along Newborn Rd. Ouida Autry said Ernest Clark has had several complaints from citizens wanting the trees to be taken down. She said the city workers had cut them back last week. The trees are also full of mistletoe. Mayor Bratcher said he would look at them and see if the mistletoe can be removed and if the trees can be saved.


Brenda Thompson said Justin Kennedy had submitted a business license application for Georgia Overstock Outlet to be located at 118 Fairplay St. It is to be a retail store selling overstock items from Home Depot and Gander Mountain. She said it is allowed in that location. Brenda Thompson made motion to approve the business license application for Rutledge Overstock Outlet, Chad Cook seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.

Chad Cook made motion to adjourn at 7:35 pm. Tim Smith seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.



Last Updated on Tuesday, March 17 2015 13:41


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