Mayor James Bratcher called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council on the above date. Council members Brenda Thompson, Chad Cook, Tim Smith and Bruce Altznauer were present as were members of the public.
Chad Cook made motion to approve the minutes of the December 15, 2014 meeting as submitted. Tim Smith seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.
Monica Moseley addressed the council and stated that she was the Area Municipal Manager for Republic Services and had been with the company for twenty years. She said she would like to talk about renewing their contract with the City of Rutledge. She said the contract period was September 1, 2011 through April 30, 2016. She said it is a five year contract and terminates in April 2016 and would like to know if the council had any thoughts on any new services. Bruce Altznauer said his service had been excellent and asked about a recycling program. She stated they did have recycling. One option is an all in one container with separate compartments that has doors. The other option is curbside with a weekly pickup. It depends on what you are interested in then we can figure in the cost structure. A lot of the smaller communities use the compartment roll off it is up to you. The new contract will be the same rate through April 2017 and the other four years will be subject to an escalation clause not to exceed five percent based on the consumer price index. Monica Mosely advised the council she would figure different options and bring it back before them.
Debbie Kilgore advised the council that West Main Street had been submitted for the LMIG grant money this year. She stated that the work would be to fix the line sinking in the road and it would start at 282 West Main and go to 318 West Main. The cost for labor would be $1500.00 and with concrete no more than $5000.00. She said this would not include paving. Tim Smith made motion to approve the repair on West Main Street. Chad Cook seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.
Chad Cook made motion to approve the beverage license for Park & Shop pending the submittal of the requested information. Brenda Thompson seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.
Chad Cook made motion to approve the beverage license for Rutledge Crossing pending the submittal of the requested information. Tim Smith seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.
Guy Kemp was present and advised the council that the water system survey stated that we were an outstanding performer and would go to inspection from every three years to every five years. This is because it is operating so well. Guy Kemp advised the council that the sewer pond was built in 1967 and are designed to last 18 years and there is only so much you can do with aerators and baffles once too much sludge is in there you start getting bad numbers. The pond is separated in chambers and different bacteria eats organics and bacteria forms sludge. When you get 2 ½ feet of sludge you don’t have enough water. He said the last quote the city got to remove the sludge was $190,000.00. He advised the cheapest way was to remove in geo tubes that lets the water drain out and sit for six months and then is carried away to a landfill. The price depends on how much they remove. The other issue at the pond is the bar screen and we need to wait until we dredge. The last inspection EPD recommended both. We have sealed a lot of the manholes which has helped us stay within the permit limits. It is going in the right direction as long as we do the routine maintenance.
Guy Kemp advised the council that we now move 55 gallon drums of chemicals for the well houses and actually store the chemicals next door. He said caustic can eat into concrete and it is possible the liquid could change into gas. The way they are moved could cause a possible chemical spill. He stated that the new company would bring the chemicals in a large truck to the well house and fill the containers with a hose. He stated that in the long run I believe we will save money and it will be safer. Brenda Thompson made motion to accept the proposal from American Development Corporation. Tim Smith seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.
Debbie Kilgore advised the council that Frankie Beers was no longer doing the maintenance for the public restrooms. She said they would not be opened until someone else was found to take it over.
Debbie Kilgore advised the council that she would like to get quotes for the yearly maintenance of the park. She said it needs to have a manicured look year round. The grand opening will be soon. Council would like for Molly Lesnikowski to come in February regarding the grand opening.
Debbie Kilgore stated that she had printed some information from the Dept. of Community Affairs website. Bruce Altznauer stated we need to bring business back into Rutledge. Is there someone we can consult with. Debbie Kilgore said she would try to find someone to come and speak with them. John Artz stated the Chamber of Commerce needs to support Rutledge and they would be our best free source right now.
Debbie Kilgore advised the council that Chuck and Tara wanted to meet with them regarding how we wanted growth to go and where. The council stated to have Chuck Jarrell send some dates and they would go from there.
Brenda Thompson made motion to adjourn at 8:23pm. Chad Cook seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.