Mayor Pro-Tem Brenda Thompson called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council on the above date. Council members Chad Cook, Bill Spann and James Bratcher were present. Mayor Spencer Knight called and informed the clerk that he would be late. Members of the public were present.
There were none.
James Bratcher made motion to approve the minutes of the March 18, 2013 meeting on the above date. Bill Spann seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.
Michael Hughes addressed the council and thanked them for all the things the city does to help with the fair. He stated that the Sheriff’s office advised them they needed better detour signs, specific to Dixie, Highway 278 and Fairplay Road. He said they basically had the same requests for help from the City as in past years. He stated we would like the guys to help set up the tents, chairs and barricades on Friday afternoon. He stated on Saturday we need them to make sure the trash in the park stays emptied and assistance helping people park. At the end of the day we will need help taking up the barricades and the tents. He stated we are requesting help from the trustees for clean up in the streets from the parade. He said the barricades need to be specific as far as Fairplay, Hard Labor Creek, Dixie and Hwy 278. The whole town will be shut down coming to and fro. We are not going to route traffic behind the co-op. Brenda Thompson inquired about the parade route. Mr. Hughes said it will start at Hawkins go down W. Dixie, Fairplay and loop around. He stated it is called the turnaround parade. This year is the 30th Annual Rutledge Fair. We are planning to have greater entertainment, more children activities and a lot of different programs. The music is from 9:00 to 4:00pm and will be nonstop. The afternoon music will be Washboard Road. Liz and AJ Nance are also coming, they were well received before. Opening ceremonies will involve the local churches. This year will be the largest parade we have ever had. The tour of homes is also going on in Madison on the day of the Fair. We will be having a car show by Terry Byer at the new park and the fire department is allowing us to use their facilities. The programs will be from 9:00 – 3:00 and there will be a seating area for children. The merchants are putting the fair on and some of the proceeds will be for summer music. The festivities will start at 9:00am. Mayor Knight entered the meeting at this time.
Molly advised the council that they had not made any changes on the park amenities since the last meeting other than Ed had received a text from Marty saying the curbing looked good. Mayor Knight advised her that the metal trash cans had been ordered for the park. Molly advised everyone that the Rutledge Yard Sale is Saturday April 20th at 8:00am and tables will rent for $10.00.
Brenda Thompson made motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:18pm. James Bratcher seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.