Regular Meeting - August 19, 2013 PDF Print E-mail


Mayor Spencer Knight called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council on the above date. Council members Brenda Thompson, James Bratcher, Chad Cook and Bill Spann were present as were members of the public.


Chad Cook made motion that the minutes of the July15, 2013 meeting be approved as submitted. Brenda Thompson seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Mayor Knight advised everyone that the city would be repairing the shut off valves at West Main and Fairplay Street on August 26th. He said the water is expected to be off about six hours, traffic will be rerouted and a boil water notice will be in effect until it is tested for just the streets involved.


Chuck Jarrell addressed the council and stated that the state had changed some of their regulations and they had changed the county’s ordinance and we needed to update ours. He stated there is a list of items that are potential issues. He said one of the changes is personal care facilities. The counties to the West of us are having an influx of personal care facilities going into houses. Mr. Jarrell handed out the counties definitions and said he would suggest the City adopt something similar. He advised that any change would have to go before Planning and Zoning and we will need some direction. You need to be proactive. Tara Cooner stated that our concern is that it is permitted in almost every zoning area. They said the other issue is the project entrance ordinance which we discovered with the Falls Subdivision. I have given you the language from the county ordinance and this is just a suggestion. Mayor Knight stated are we to just look over this and get back to you. Mr. Jarrell said yes. James Bratcher asked if it was best to do both at one time. Mr. Jarrell said you can address it as a blanket text amendment. Mayor Knight stated that another issue had come up in regards to animals recently. You can only have cats and dogs unless it is zoned agricultural. Some people in the city limit have large acreage. We need to come up with something different with common sense. James Bratcher stated a suggestion would be maybe if you had five to seven acres. Chuck Jarrell stated that they could give some recommendations and asked if they had thought of as to what is too small. If they are hay fed maybe one acre and chickens would be so many per 20,000 sq.ft. Mayor Knight stated we don’t want to disturb the neighborhood. James Bratcher said the ordinance needs to be for the benefit of the majority. It should not be in residential unless you have acreage. Brenda Thompson stated I would not like a bunch of hogs near me. Chad Cook said the state was trying to pass the right to grow act. Chuck Jarrell advised that they would look at it and get some recommendations for them.

James Bratcher asked if the county had any ordinances about deteriorating homes. He said that would fall under unfit. Mr. Jarrell advised that they could adopt a property maintenance code. He stated that it would address homes and yards. He advised that some other things were that the map needs to be updated. Light Industrial zoning is not on the map and some are on the map and not in the ordinance. There have been some lot splits that are not shown on the map. You also need to decide if you want to keep the Town Center Overlay. Other changes is state law on mobile homes is out of date and needs to reflect the new state law. You need to look at the items on the cover sheet and call the mayor and us and when we get the feedback we can draft the language and present it to you. Then at that time we can go thru the process of the formal notice.

The mayor and council thanked Chuck and Tara for their time and help.




Mayor Knight advised the council that the line item for SPLOST was incorrect and an amendment would be made at the next meeting.

James Bratcher made motion to adjourn. Bill Spann seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.



Last Updated on Tuesday, September 03 2013 15:16


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