Mayor Knight called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council on the above date. Council members Brenda Thompson, Chad Cook and James Bratcher were present as were members of the public. Council member Bill Spann was absent.
Chad Cook made motion that the minutes of the June 17, 2013 meeting be approved as submitted. Brenda Thompson seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried. Brenda Thompson made motion that the minutes of the June 27, 2013 meeting be approved as submitted. James Bratcher seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.
Mayor Knight advised that the millage rate hearings were scheduled for July 22, 2013 at 6:30 and 7:00pm.
Mayor Knight stated that due to the excessive rain the tennis courts have been delayed. He said the grass on the ball park was coming along fine and as soon as the grassing was complete the field would be open.
Lt. Derrick Roland and Lt. Kenny Stewart were present and stated they were there to take any questions or concerns. Joellen Artz stated that there had been an incident last Friday in the park and a deputy made a comment that Rutledge has problems brewing and needed to get a handle on them. She asked if he would address that comment. Lt. Roland stated that he spoke to the deputy and said he did not put it like that. Lt. Roland advised that the Sheriff’s Department is responsible for the safety of citizens. It is our responsibility to protect you all. Mayor Knight advised that he had called Sheriff Markley over the comment and was told that he would look into it. Lt. Roland explained the incident had been with a kid that had an aero soft toy gun that had been painted black and looked like a real gun. He spoke with the deputy in question and he had said that it had brought tears to his eyes that if he had pulled it on law enforcement it could have been real bad. Whatever was said, I don’t think it was intended the way that it sounded. Ed Hogan spoke and said I was there and it was handled properly and the response time was instantaneous. He said one time it took 35 minutes and response time is a concern. Lt. Roland explained that there were three zones and only two deputies per zone. If there is a bad wreck it will take out two officers. There is 100 square miles in each zone. It is just tight right now. Lt Stewart stated they were trying to put something together to have a desk so they can do their paper work. Mayor Knight advised them to let him know what they need as far as having one at city hall. We can get that done. John Artz said that they are having problems with bicycles and skateboards even though there are signs. There are things that are happening that you aren’t seeing. If someone was dedicated to Rutledge they would see what we are seeing. Lt. Stewart stated we will never see as much as the citizens do. We do business checks. We rotate checking doors, windows and air conditioning units. We try to maintain them moving as much as possible. One burglary call takes one hour. Last month we had 900 calls on everything. Lt. Roland said we would love to have two people in a zone. We do what we have to do to get it done. We work for the citizens of Morgan County. Man power when someone is out sets us back. Ed Hogan said you two are the ones most seen and here and we appreciate that. Joellen Artz said we love the park and gazebo and love to see the kids we just don’t want anybody to get hurt. Lt. Stewart said Morgan County is a great community. The kids are great. You will have issues but Rutledge as a whole is fairly quiet. James Bratcher asked was there anything in the future for getting more officers. Andy Ainsley said it is just not in the budget. James Bratcher stated looks like we are putting all the money in the schools and cutting corners in other areas. Commissioner Ainsley stated the county and the school has separate budgets. He said hopefully some day we can add some the state numbers show growth does not justify it. Joellen Artz asked that they let the deputy that made the remark know that Rutledge does not have to take back anything. Lt. Roland apologized again and said he would take care of that. The comment does not reflect on Rutledge it reflects on the Sheriff’s department. The Sheriff was very upset about it all and you will not have to worry about that. I apologize on behalf of the Sheriff’s Office. Brenda Thompson spoke about traffic picking up in the cemetery with lots of teenagers. Lt. Roland advised that they could call the non-emergency number and it could be that an officer may be in town at that time. If you have concerns about something with the Sheriff’s office let the mayor know. If you see something that doesn’t look quite right don’t hesitate to call the non-emergency number. You all are our eyes. Don’t second guess go ahead and call we are here to protect. We will get it taken care of. The city council and the citizens thanked Lt. Rowland and Stewart for coming.
Brenda Thompson made motion to adjourn at 7:38. James Bratcher seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.