Mayor Knight called to order the public hearing of the Rutledge City Council on the above date. Council members Chad Cook, Brenda Thompson, Bill Spann and James Bratcher were present as were members of the public.
Chad Cook made motion to approve the minutes of the May 20, 2013 regular meeting as submitted. Brenda Thompson seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.
Building inspector Chuck Jarrell was present and advised the council that a variance request had been submitted from Rutledge DG, LLC located at 176 Newborn Road. The variance is requesting the front setback be reduced from 50’ to 20’. He said two citizens spoke at the Planning and Zoning meeting. He advised the council that the requested setback is similar distance to the existing buildings in that area. He said the Planning Commission approved the variance unanimously with the stipulation that the applicant meet with concerned citizens. Mayor Knight said the commission is in agreement with the variance and there is an ordinance in place as far as building requirements. Chuck Jarrell stated there was and that when the official plan is in place they will verify everything. James Bratcher asked Matt McCord with Rutledge DG if they met with the local people and he advised that they did on June 5th. Mr. McCord showed pictures of other Dollar Generals that were similar and had brick samples. He said we want to make it have the look and feel of Rutledge. We have a good landscaping budget and it will have a monument sign. The building will be four sided brick. The size will be similar to what is there now. The old building will be demolished. Mr. McCord handed out a landscape plan and said we will have some decorative brickwork and will be using two toned brick. .Chad Cook asked when will the demolition start. Mr. McCord said it would be close to June 30th. Bill Spann made motion to approve the variance to reduce the front setback from 50 feet to 20. James Bratcher seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.
Chuck Jarrell advised that an application had been submitted for a variance to the sign ordinance from Abe Abouhamdan on behalf of Jerry Smith for The Falls at Hard Labor Creek subdivision located on West Main Street. Mr. Abouhamdam stated that due to the lack of regulations for project entrance signs and the right of way at the location the sign will be located approximately 45 feet from the curb presenting problems for drivers to adequately see the sign. We are requesting this variance in order to allow specifications for Subdivision Entrance Sign as currently used by Morgan County. Chuck Jarrell stated that the commission voted unanimously to approve the variance of 8ft versus 9ft. It will be on the left hand side and will be double sided. He advised that the council at some time needed to address the project entrance signs. He said the only difference with this and the county is the height difference of 2ft. Brenda Thompson made motion to approve the variance request for the project entrance sign for The Falls of Hard Labor subdivision. James Bratcher seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.
Louis Briscoe addressed the council and said that he lived on Nunnally Street. He stated that the speed humps had done a good job of slowing people down and worked well. He said the people who live in Rutledge like them. He said Nunnally Street has become a thorough fare for the speeders who are trying to avoid the speed humps and I would like to request one for Nunnally Street. Mayor Knight advised that the City would have to contact the traffic engineer and go from there. John Artz asked if the type of speed humps could be discussed. He said Bostwick has the concrete block type. Joellen Artz said the plateau is longer. Mayor Knight stated that they could be cut down. James Bratcher said the state regulates the height. Mr. Briscoe stated what you have works.
Debbie Kilgore went over budget figures and ask if there were questions. Ed Hogan was present and handed out a recreation budget request. He stated that it was higher budget than previous years. We are adding a bounce house for Christmas in the country. We do a lot of maintenance in the park, trimming bushes and Molly sets out the boxes with flowers, pumpkins and trees. He said the summer music program is growing. Molly stated if you take the population then the budget for the recreation comes to about $8.00 per citizen. Ed said the band stand needs electrical run to it and the BBQ shed. We also need stairs on the bandstand. James asked were city workers not doing the park maintenance. Molly stated that this is stuff they don’t do. John Artz said the electrical boxes at the trees are full of sand and some don’t work. Mayor Knight said we usually get Sonny to check them out before we have any functions. John Artz asked about maintenance on the gazebo. Mayor Knight advised that it was probably time to paint it.
Brenda Thompson made motion to adjourn at 7:40 pm. Chad Cook seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.