City Council Regular Meeting August 20, 2024 PDF Print E-mail


Mayor Altznauer called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council on the above date. Council members Brandie Owens, Adam Beckstine and Brenda Thompson were present as were members of the public. Council member Tony Sells was absent.


Mayor Altznauer called for and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – July 16, 2024 / July 25, 2024

Brandie Owens made motion to approve the minutes of the July 16, 2024, meeting as submitted. Brenda Thompson seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried. Brandie Owens made motion to approve the minutes of the July 25, 2024, meeting as submitted. Adam Beckstine seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Mayor Altznauer advised the council a lot of things have been going on with the park. Tommy and Trevor Breedlove signed the property over to the City and because Charles Merritt handled it, we did not have to close. It is now our property. The entrance has been cut in. We have not closed with Reid Griffin yet on the easement. I spent Thursday and Friday watering shrubbery. We don’t have water there yet. Ricky Blevins will be laying the pipe. Brenda Thompson asked what kind of shrubbery. Mayor Altznauer said leland cyprus trees. There are 21 in place which will give us privacy. We will also be running pipe for sewer but it will be capped off and completed at a later date. Tommy Breedlove seeded the area but it has not come up. I have asked Ricky Blevins to give me a quote on the water and sewer line coming off Dixie Hwy. It will have 3 anti-freeze valves and at some point, plan to have a sprinkler system. It should be covered with the money you approved in the budget.


Eva Young, Depot director asked the Council when the last time they had been in the public bathroom. Brenda Thompson said, years. Eva had a board with pictures showing the condition of the building and the bathrooms. She said it is broken down into three phases.

1. Secure roof and exterior structure. People have recommended a rubber roof. So first phase is external and the roof

2. Going inward, plumbing, ceilings and walls. We want more efficient toilets and will probably need new doors.

3. Repaint and decorate. It has been recommended that we use a janitorial service for cleaning. All merchants want the bathrooms open. She said she would like to get some youth to paint a mural.

Ms. Eva said Tommy Breedlove said he is willing to repair the building for payment of only labor and materials. She said he does have an interest, he would like to rent out the middle section. She said Barry Franklin was willing to bid on Phase 1. She said I talked to Steve Hollis but he is just too busy. This bathroom area is an interesting place. I see it as a central location that you wrap around. Tommy Breedlove’s crew can do all of it and Mr. Barry can do all. Brandie Owen’s said she has people message her about the public bathrooms, can we use TSPLOST. Mayor Altznauer said yes and we have the money to do it. Ms. Eva said Tommy Breedlove does not do bids. He wants the middle space for a prep kitchen. He is thinking about places to eat and wants to serve breakfast behind the hardware store. Brandie Owens said the hours for the new restaurant will be lunch and dinner. Ms. Eva said I think it has a ton of potential.


Brenda Thompson made motion to close regular session and enter executive session at 6:40 pm to discuss real estate acquisition. Adam Beckstine seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried. Brenda Thompson made motion to close executive session and enter regular session at 6:55 pm. Adam Beckstine seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Brandie Owens made motion to approve the access easement agreement between the City of Rutledge and Reid Griffin subject to final approval from City Attorney John Nix. Adam Beckstine seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.

Brandie Owens made motion to adjourn at 6:56 pm. Adam Beckstine seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


____________________________________ ___________________________________

Debbie Kilgore City Clerk Bruce Altznauer Mayor










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