City Council Regular Meeting May 21, 2024 PDF Print E-mail


Mayor Altznauer called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council on the above date. Council members Brandie Owens and Brenda Thompson were present as were members of the public. Council members Adam Beckstine and Tony Sells were absent.


Mayor Altznauer called for and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Brenda Thompson made motion to approve the minutes of the April 16th meeting as submitted. Brandie Owens seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried with a constitutional majority


Mayor Altznauer advised the council that this license is for the restaurant Tello’s Mex Grill, formerly Yesterday’s Café. Brenda Thompson asked if the distance regarding the church was worked out. Mayor Altznauer stated yes, Chuck Jarrell and Tara Cooner from Morgan County came out and verified everything. She asked if they could only sell alcohol on one side due to the Mason’s owning the building area above, he said yes, it is the same. Debbie Kilgore informed the council that Kris Bray bought an alcohol license before she sold the building. Brandie Owens made motion to approve the alcohol license for Jennifer Avalos contingent on all paperwork being submitted. Brenda Thompson seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried with a constitutional majority.


Mayor Altznauer said Garden Club member Pam Stapp came and talked to him about the event sign. He said this is something we have talked about many times before. Pam Stapp addressed the council and said the Garden Club would like with the City’s help do this project. The sign would say Welcome to Rutledge in permanent letters and list events and whatever else the City deemed important. She said Eva Young has volunteered to change out the letters for the events and if she could not, the Garden Club would take care of it. We will plant the flowers around it and take care of them. Brandie Ownes asked if it would be located at City Hall. Mayor Altznauer said he would like to have it facing Hwy 278. When we discussed it before we talked about the lot the bank owns or Dollar General. I am sure we can put it on one of the four corners. Brenda Thompson said it needs to be where it can be seen. Pam Stapp handed out a picture to the council of an event sign. She said we want it to be brick and the one in the picture is somewhere between two or three thousand. We need to decide on the exact location and size, 4 x 7 maybe. Brandie Owens asked if the county would need to approve it. Mayor Altznauer said he would call Tara Cooner. Brandie Owens made motion to approve a partnership with the Garden Club planning and paying for the event sign. Brenda Thompson seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried with a constitutional majority. Pam Stapp said we do not mind working our budget is not very big, but we will always do the flowers.


Mayor Altznauer said due to the other members not being here we will hold off on the budget discussion.


Mayor Altznauer advised the council that we had already looked over this. He said he talked with Brad Evanson and watched a demo of the different ways to use it. We can target different areas. I believe it is a good deal. The first year is $2,250.00 and that includes set up and training. It is $1,500.00 every year after that and no more than a 5% increase. It will be good for water leaks and boil water notices. It can be used for anything we want to notify the citizens of.

We have sent the contract for the city attorney to look over. Brandie Owens made motion to approve the TextMyGov contract contingent upon approval by the city attorney. Brenda Thompson seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried with a constitutional majority.

Brenda Thompson made motion to adjourn at 6:20. Brandie Owens seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried with a constitutional majority.


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Debbie Kilgore City Clerk Bruce Altznauer Mayor




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