City of Rutledge Special Called Meeting October 26, 2023 PDF Print E-mail


Mayor Bruce Altznauer called to order the special called meeting on the above date. Council members Brandie Owens, Adam Beckstine and Tony Sells were present. Council member Brenda Thompson was absent. County planners Tara Cooner and Chuck Jarrell were also present. There were no citizens present.


Mayor Altznauer called for and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Tara Cooner addressed the Council and said the meeting was about the possibility of annexation. We discussed this at the regular meeting, but some of you were not able to be here so we wanted to go over it again. We have heard rumors about the possibility of Social Circle annexing property into Morgan County. They are pro-Rivian and pro-industrial and may be looking for more land. The Commissioners had rather see Rutledge annex more land. Chuck Jarrell handed out maps and paperwork labeled 1 through 4. He said each set of papers contained a map, the landowners and tax revenue evaluation of each parcel. He advised maps 1 and 2 were the most important because they touch the county line. He said there are two methods of annexation, the 100% ( all property owners ) and 60% ( only 60% of property owners ). This means owners not acres. The acreage must be contiguous, you can’t create an island. It is easier to annex into a county than to annex into a city.

Brandie Owens said consider it is in our favor to do so, what would we offer, do we want a buffer to industrial. She said can the county help us sell the idea. Chuck Jarrell said County Commissioner Blake McCormick offered to speak at any town hall meeting the city decided to hold. Maps 1 through 3 are on the border and map 4 is Newborn Road and is included because the city has previously discussed this area for annexation. Tony Sells asked are we talking about the city maintaining all of this. Adam Beckstine said it is a race to see who gets there first. Tara Cooner said would you want to allow industrial distribution warehouses. We believe that is what will be coming. Chuck Jarrell stated if we don’t do this, we must come up with something different. Brandie Owens said what will the costs be. Mayor Altznauer said, cutting the ROW’s, maintaining the roads and trash pick-up.

Mayor Altznauer stated we could look at 4 and 3, getting to I-20. Chuck Jarrell said we are looking at potential traffic patterns. Adam Beckstine said is it a benefit to residents to annex with Social Circle. Tara Cooner said if they are pro-industry. She stated all the homes in the area are already on septic tanks, you can’t offer much but is it worth it to keep distribution centers out of there. Mayor Altznauer said the county has said they would be willing to help. He said he talked with an engineer about roads and their condition. We are looking at more employees, lawn movers and a side arm. Brandie Owens stated do we need to start out smaller with annexation. Adam Beckstine said do we go door to door or do we hire someone to do that. Chuck Jarrell said you will need to hold some town hall meetings or put your tennis shoes on. Mayor Altznauer said once we do this, we are looking at getting more staff and equipment. He said we are also obligating our current people. Chuck Jarrell said they did a traffic study on Dixie and Old Mill and most the vehicles turned on Old Mill.

Council member Tony Sells made motion to adjourn at 6:28 pm. Adam Beckstine seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


_____________________________________ __________________________________

Debbie Kilgore City Clerk Bruce Altznauer Mayor




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