City Council Regular Meeting April 19, 2022 PDF Print E-mail


Mayor Bruce Altznauer called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council on the above date. Council members Brandie Owens, Brenda Thompson and Adam Beckstine were present as were members of the public. Council member Tony Sells was absent.


Mayor Altznauer called for and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Brenda Thompson made motion to approve the minutes of the March 15th regular meeting minutes as submitted. Adam Beckstine seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.

Adam Beckstine made motion to approve the minutes of the April 5th special called meeting as submitted. Brandie Owens seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Mayor Altznauer advised the council that the parking lot was coming along great. He said they finished the asphalt on Friday and will come back to stripe and landscape. The areas where there is dirt you will see sod. We will then contract for the lighting and look into charging stations.

Brenda Thompson asked what kind of lighting will be installed. Mayor Altznauer said like the poles downtown and it will be extended down to the Franklin house. June Medford said she would paint the side of her building and we will get the restroom building cleaned up and replace the wooden door. There will be an iron fence between the parking lot and stores. There was a new gas line put in and we had to repair some water lines. Brenda Thompson asked what kind of landscaping. Mayor Altznauer said there will be trees and small bushes. A box will be put around the fire equipment and the Garden Club will come in and plant flowers. There will be planters and picnic tables on the middle island. He said the work has gone well, no change orders so far and we are on budget.


Mayor Altznauer said the County is accepting bids for paving a section of Fairplay Rd and asked if the City would like to partner with them for the portion of Fairplay from the stop barrel to the power line about 6/10 of a mile. This process should be cheaper since they will already have their equipment here. We have already fixed the sinking sewer line in this area.


Mayor Altznauer said the hydrant flushing is something we do every year. The hydrants will be flushed on April 26th and 27th weather permitting The public notice will run in the paper this week.


Debbie Kilgore advised she had not yet received figures from the county. She advised the council that garbage fees per can were going up and they would have to pass this increase on to the customer. She said this will be a difficult budget due to the inflation and gas prices and rates will most likely be raised on everything. She asked the council to give her some guidance on some things they would like to see in the budget. Sidewalks on Fairplay on one side need to be removed and the other side replaced. The removal of sidewalks on Church street was discussed and areas on West Main Street need to also be removed and replaced .

Brenda Thompson made motion to adjourn at 6:35 pm. Adam Beckstine seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


_____________________________________ ___________________________________

Debbie Kilgore City Clerk Bruce Altznauer Mayor






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