City Council Regular Meeting November 16, 2021 PDF Print E-mail



Mayor Bruce Altznauer called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council on the above date. Council members Brenda Thompson, Brandie Owens, Adam Beckstine and Tony Sells were present as were members of the public. County commissioner Andy Ainslie, County Manager Adam Mestres and Chamber member Bob Hughes were also present.


Mayor Altznauer called for and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Tony Sells made motion to approve the minutes of the October 19, 2021, meeting as submitted. Brenda Thompson seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Mayor Altznauer stated two applications were submitted for the Rutledge seat on the Planning Commission. Maryanne Dartnell is the current member and has served for 6 years with the term ending December. Miles Buzbee is the other applicant and has been a government consultant in strategic planning for 13 years. Both applicants have a master’s degree and are qualified. Mayor Altznauer suggested the council table the appointment until they have a chance to look over the applications since they only received them at the start of the meeting. Brandie Owens made motion to table the appointment until the December 21, 2021, meeting in order to review the applications. Adam Beckstine seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Mayor Altznauer said that the City has been asked to approve a resolution supporting amending the Service Delivery Strategy. He said since our County Commissioner Andy Ainslie and County Manager Adam Mestres are here maybe they would like to talk about it. Andy Ainslie advised the Council that he could share a few things about the Joint Development Authority activity because of being under a non-disclosure agreement. He said I asked Debbie to send all of you a copy of a presentation that Attorney Andrea Gray put together. JDA bought 1600 acres below I-20. One year ago, JDA bought 650 acres North of I-20. The Service Delivery Strategy needs to be modified so not to duplicate services of building inspections, code enforcement, economic development, emergency management, fire protection, property tax, wastewater, water supply and distribution, zoning administration and zoning enforcement. This has been done South of I-20 but now that we own land North of I-20 we want to make the ten services uniform. Rutledge butts up to the line but does not have water service there at this time. JDA can negotiate with the industry. Newton County Water Authority is putting in a water tower to service the South side. JDA will give preferential treatment to any utility that can provide water. The Service Delivery Strategy has been approved by all the Cities in Morgan County. Rutledge will be the last. Mayor Altznauer advised Commissioner Ainslie that City Attorney John Nix advised the Council not to sign the agreement until we get clarification. He said the last sentence of the resolution that states, If the Authority expands Stanton Springs North by resolution incorporating additional land therein, the Authority’s right to designate the service providers in the above-listed service areas shall extend therewith. He said this gives an open agreement that they never have to come back to the City even if it is in our service delivery area. County Manager Adam Mestres said this is only land purchased by the JDA. There is no intent to currently do that but want to have the option. It is important to note the County wants unity but have the ability to move forward without an agreement. We do not want to do that. Mayor Altznauer said I am not saying we would be able to provide water or, the means financially, Because this is open ended there is no telling how big this could get. He said the way it is set they could come into our area where we have water lines and run lines across the street. Manager Mestres said it currently butts up to Rutledge. It says it would allow for encroachment, JDA would have to draw down on that property. But if there is a means, City of Rutledge has lines and capacity, they would give preference and negotiate. So, yes, they can but I do not see them coming into residential. I would encourage before you vote no to table it and let Andrea Gray come and talk to you at your December meeting along with your attorney. Mayor Altznauer said the next meting is December 21st and we will have the attorney’s here.

County Manager Adam Mestres said you need to determine what you want Rutledge to look like. That is for you to decide. JDA ultimately has a say as to what comes there. Andy Ainslie said we are looking at industry not subdivisions. Adam Mestres said annexation means taxation but you need something to offer. These are things you need to think about and it depends on what your constituents want or either, you say we are happy with all that greenspace. People may look to start selling their property. There is a lot of momentum pushing and you are in the driver’s seat. He said the statement that they will never have to come back is not factual. The contract is 2021 through 2071 which is 50 years. You may can ask to shorten that time. Andy Ainslie said the JDA is about marketing. Large companies want to know before they come. They look for package deals.

Tony Sells made motion to table the resolution to amend the Service Delivery Strategy until the December meeting. Brenda Thompson seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Mayor Altznauer stated Christmas in the Country and the chili cook off will be November 20th.

The Christmas caroling is December 17th at 6:00 pm.

Brandie Owens made motion to adjourn the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council at 6:45 pm. Adam Beckstine seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


___________________________________ __________________________________

Debbie Kilgore City Clerk Bruce Altznauer Mayor





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