City Council Regular Meeting October 20, 2020 PDF Print E-mail



Mayor Bruce Altznauer called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council on the above date. Council member Brenda Thompson, Anthony Sells, Adam Beckstine and Brandie Owens were present as were members of the public.


Mayor Altznauer called for and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Brenda Thompson made motion to approve the September 15, 2020 meeting minutes as submitted. Tony Sells seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Beryl Dixon was present and stated that she had a list of questions regarding the City. She asked the council if it was a possibility to have some streetlights put in the Indian Creek Subdivision if the residents there agree. Mayor Altznauer said she would need to check with the neighbors and make sure they agree. She asked the Council how they go about getting streetlights.

Mayor Altznauer said she would need to call Georgia Power or Walton EMC. Debbie Kilgore reminded the Council that the Falls Subdivision did not have streetlights and stated you can have a security light and they will bill you on your power bill. Ms. Dixon asked about the City paying for them. The Mayor answered the City could not because it would not benefit all citizens. Her next question was about gunfire and firecrackers. Tony Sells said it is illegal to discharge a firearm in the City limit and firecrackers are allowed on holidays but not after 10:00PM. If this happens you would need to report it to the Sheriff’s Department. She asked if tents were allowed. The City Clerk read the ordinance that pertains to tents and they are not allowed without permission. What materials does the City pick up on the side of the road. Council responded only leaves and limbs and they must be bagged and no bundles over 50 pounds. Ms. Dixon wanted to know why the election location changed. Brenda Thompson advised her that the County changed it but if it is only a City election it would be held at the fire department in Rutledge. She asked if Rutledge could be part of Nixel like the county so if there were a water leak or issues people would get a text or email. Mayor Altznauer stated that he would talk to Robert Markley and David Nunn about it.


Mayor Altznauer said included in your packet was a notice that our guys put out when they cannot pick something up. I wanted to make you aware of this in case you get any complaints. We have a citizen that has out two large piles. We have already picked up two loads. Brenda Thompson stated we do not do that. He advised the Council that he instructed the workers to get just a little at a time. The County got involved at one time because the limbs were too close to the fire hydrant.


Mayor Altznauer advised the Council that all the meters have been changed out. Everything seems good so far. Today is the first time we did the drive by readings. Most are done from the parking lot when the truck is cranked.


Mayor Altznauer informed the Council that someone wants to buy the Park and Shop and will raze the building. He said it is a conditional use and will have to go before Planning and Zoning and then it will come before the Council. The Council all agreed it will be good for the property to no longer be an eye sore and utilized again.


___________________________________ __________________________________

Debbie Kilgore City Clerk Bruce Altznauer Mayor

Last Updated on Monday, November 16 2020 18:16


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