Mayor Spencer Knight called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council on the above date. Council members Brenda Thompson, Tony Sells, Tim Smith and Bruce Altznauer were present as were members of the public.
Mayor Knight called for and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Knight said he would like to announce that Ouida Autry had retired. He asked for Ouida to stand and then presented her with a plaque thanking her for her eight years of service to the city and citizens. City clerk Debbie Kilgore stated she did not know what she would have done without her and said she would truly be missed. The council members all thanked her. Ouida said she had enjoyed working with city and all the citizens.
Brenda Thompson made motion to approve the minutes of the September 19, 2017 meeting as submitted. Tim Smith seconded, all voted in favor.
Molly said she wanted to give the council an update on all the activities the merchants, Garden Club and Beautification were doing. She said the Fall Fest is October 21st and there is a lot planned. We are changing the route for the hayride this year and going around the ballfield and back down. We will exit the park and come back around to Martha Lane. There will be softball, food, face painting and hay rides. She stated that the Garden Club will be handling the Christmas festival and there will also be the tour of homes. Tony Sells asked about how the yard sale went the previous weekend. She said it was fabulous.
Bob Hughes advised the council that the Chamber has had a lot going on. Bard Manufacturing had a 130,000 square foot expansion and will house a lot of good jobs. Rema Tip Top is finishing their second building. At the Western end where Shire is the Joint Development Authority has been working on four projects and these have a potential to bring in billions of dollars. There is a mega site in the East Metro area that is said to be number one in the state.
There is the Heartland site that is thousands of acres which will affect Walton, Newton and Morgan and land reaches in two counties if the development happens and we could see a lot of business coming this way. Exit 105, the intersection of 278 and I-20 is wide open. We need to be looking at this in the long range planning. Jim Boyd asked how many acres in Stanton Springs are in Morgan County. Mr. Hughes said it goes all the way to the Rest Area it is about 3 to 5 hundred acres.
Mayor Knight advised residents from Macedonia Church that the signs they discussed had been ordered. Moses Little asked if they could get flashing signs. Mayor Knight said they could not. He informed the citizens that he is working with the engineer on getting a quote for the study on speed humps. Other citizens stated needs for speed humps on Hollis and Williams Streets. They also asked for Children at Play signs. They said the speeding is really bad at night.
Citizens on Hollis Street also asked about the City cleaning out the ditches on Hollis Street due to problems when it rains. The Mayor said he would check on it but it may be the homeowner’s responsibility.
Bruce Altznauer asked if the City would be responsible for the tree damage next to the park where the stump is left. Mayor Knight said the homeowner normally removes the stump.
Brenda Thompson made motion to adjourn at 7:31. Tony Sells seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.
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Spencer H. Knight Mayor Debbie Kilgore City Clerk