Regular Meeting - May 16, 2017 PDF Print E-mail


Mayor Knight called to order the regular meeting of Rutledge City Council on the above date. Council members Brenda Thompson, Tony Sells, Tim Smith and Bruce Altznauer were present as were members of the public.


Mayor Knight called for and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Brenda Thompson made motion to approve the minutes of the April 18, 2017 meeting as submitted. Tony Sells seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Mayor Knight stated that the business license application was for a law office located at 114 Fairplay Street by Christina Behrndt and it is allowed. Tim Smith made motion to approve the application for Christina Behrndt. Bruce Altznauer seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Mayor Knight said that the film policy where it references city clerk needs to be changed to mayor. We also need to include the fees. We will send this back to the attorney and he can make the changes and send it back to us.


Mayor Knight advised that the BBQ shed rules and noise guidelines needs amending. He said we now have a noise meter. Mayor Knight read over the regulations and said we have added some new ones. Any rule violated, fee will be forfeited. No loud music over 50 decibels. He said that he, Ernest and Locklin had taken the noise meter and went out and tested it and determined that the 50 decibels would be allowable and should not be too loud. He said if the deputy is called out, there will not be any warning the event is shut down then.

Bruce Atlznauer stated that he thought there should be a warning. Brenda Thompson stated that the guidelines they sign will be their warning. Tony Sells asked will excess noise be documented. Mayor Knight said if they have to go out with the decibel meter the party is basically over. Everyone agreed.


Debbie Kilgore advised the council that she has been waiting on quotes for road striping but has not received any as of yet. Bruce Altznauer said the county needs to come back and finish the pot holes. Debbie Kilgore handed out budget sheets that were not yet complete and stated that she would be setting the dates for the public hearings for budget recommendations from the public and a date for the adoption of the budget. She said she would email them the dates at the end of the week. She said it would be adopted before the end of June and hopes to adopt it at the next regular meeting.


Tony Sells said he would like to see some speed hump signs put up on Fairplay. Ouida Autry said she would check to see if we had some the next day. Molly Lesnikowski stated she was there to give an update on the spring activity season. She said the fair was May 27th and would need some volunteers on the 26th to get ready, maybe three or four people and that things for the fair were running right along. She said the UGA students had completed the mural. The UGA students and Garden Club did an excellent job. We are glad Dr. Behrndt let us put it there. We will benefit from this for years to come. We would like to get a proclamation for each of the students and the professor. We could dedicate it at the fair. Bruce said if the Mayor could not, he would speak about the mural at the fair. Molly also asked if maybe the fountain could be fixed before the fair. Debbie Kilgore said she would call someone, maybe Athens Plumbing.

Ellen Sims director of the CVGB Tourism said they had been pushing tourism for Rutledge.

She said she saw in the paper that Rutledge was discussing a film policy. She said they have had a film policy for 2 years and recently tweaked it. She said they mirrored Covington’s policy. She said she just wanted open communication did not want to double efforts and theirs covers all of Morgan County and all the cities. Debbie Kilgore asks her if Madison had their own policy and she said yes. She was asked about if a film was done in Rutledge, by their policy all the money would go to Morgan County and she answered yes. Just want you to take a look at it. We have a full page for Rutledge in the visitors guide. It is important for you to know what we are doing for Rutledge. Tony Sells said we would like to know what you are doing before these things come up. The City attorney is currently working on Rutledge’s film policy. She stated she would like to come and report on things they are working on.

Brenda Thompson made motion to adjourn at 7:41pm. Tony Sells seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.




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