Regular Meeting - April 18, 2017 PDF Print E-mail


Mayor Spencer Knight called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City council on the above date. Council members Brenda Thompson, Tony Sells, Tim Smith and Bruce Altznauer were present as were members of the public. City Clerk Debbie Kilgore was absent.


Mayor Knight called for and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Tim Smith made motion to approve the minutes of the March 21, 2017 meeting as submitted. Brenda Thompson seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


The Mayor advised the council that city attorney, John Nix, had submitted a draft of a filming policy the city is looking at adopting. He said there are some changes that need to be made in the administrative policies section. The sections stating that applications to be turned in to the City Clerk and meetings to be held with the City Clerk need to be changed to the Mayor. He asked the council to look over the draft and make notes of any changes they think need to be made. He said he and Debbie need to sit down and come up with a list of fees that need to be included in the policy. Molly Lesniskowski said that she had spoken with Ellen Illani with the Morgan County CVB and Ms. Illani is willing to come and talk with the council and help in any way she can. Brenda Thompson and Tim Smith said they thought that is a good idea. Mayor Knight said that we will get in touch with Ms. Illani and maybe set up a work session or ask her to come to a future meeting. This will take more than 1 meeting to finalize.


Molly Lesnikowski wanted to thank the city for the help in preparing for the Easter Egg Hunt that was held on April 9th. She said the ants in the park were addressed per their request, but the ants were still there. She said that Rosanna Lamb had asked that maybe next year we could start treating earlier so the ant hills would be gone. Mayor Knight advised that Ernest Clark and Locklin Bray had been treating for weeks, but once you treat one hill the ants just move to another spot. Mayor Knight said we will be treating the ant hills weekly for the entire season. Molly said that Madison Fest is being held on Saturday, April 22nd in Madison. She is acting as ambassador for the Rutledge merchants and will be going there to meet and greet, and sell tickets for the Big Green Egg raffle that will be held at the 34th Annual Rutledge Country Fair on May 27th. B.R.A.G. will be here on April 22nd using the downtown park as a rest area. Then on April 29th, we will be having our annual Spring Yard Sale. The next big event will be the 34th Annual Rutledge Country Fair on May 27th. Dr. Hughes is asking the City for 4 volunteer workers to help with clean up and crowd control from noon to 4:00 pm that day. Molly wanted to confirm the date for Spooky Fall Fest. It will be held on October 21st. The Garden Club is working with the UGA Art Department on a patriotic mural to be painted on the side wall of Dr. Behrndt’s building. Ed Hogan said the Recreation Dept. is looking at putting in a splash fountain for the kids at Playfair Park. They are looking at possibly getting a matching grant to help with the cost. It will be a future project.


Brenda Thompson made motion to exit regular session for the purpose of entering Executive session to discuss a legal matter. Tony Sells seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.

Brenda Thompson made motion to exit executive session. Tim Smith seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried. One legal issue was discussed. No vote was taken.

Mayor Knight advised the budget work session is canceled. City Clerk Debbie Kilgore is absent due to illness.

Brenda Thompson made motion to adjourn at 7:40 pm. Bruce Altznauer seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.






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