Regular Meeting - January 17, 2017 PDF Print E-mail


Mayor Spencer Knight called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council on the above date. Council members Brenda Thompson, Tony Sells, Tim Smith and Bruce Altznauer were present as were members of the public.


Mayor Knight called for and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Bruce Altznauer made motion to approve the minutes of the December 20, 2016 meeting as submitted. Brenda Thompson seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Joe Slaughter and other members of the Rutledge Tree Board were present. Mr. Slaughter addressed the council and said that the Arbor Day Proclamation they signed in November was done specifically to comply with the steps required to becoming a Tree City. He said that they now have completed all the steps required and presented a new proclamation for February 17, 2017 which is also the same date as the state Arbor Day. He said that they have an Arbor Day event planned in the park on February 17, 2017 at 5:30 pm to celebrate Arbor Day and requested that the council attend. The Caboose will be providing refreshments and we will be giving away seedlings. We will also be planting a tree in the park beside the gazebo the day before. Brenda Thompson asked what kind of tree. Mr. Slaughter stated that they hope to plant a red oak. He advised the council that they will be advertising the event and he will send them more information prior to February 17th.


Council member Bruce Altznauer said under old business last month he gave the Tree Board the information from a citizen wanting to aid in trimming the Bradford pear trees hoping to save them for another 10 years if that was possible. Joe Slaughter said that he spoke with Mr. Breedlove. He said he also had arborist and foresters Beryl Budd and Seth Hawkins do an assessment on the pear trees. He advised the council that their assessment was they are beyond saving. Some of them are hollow and due to the disease, mistletoe and drought, trimming them may be the final nail in the coffin. The recommendation is to not to try and save them. The plan is to phase out and replace them. We are meeting with the arborist to see which ones need to be taken out immediately. Some of them are directly under the power lines. Georgia Power may assist with those. Bradford pear trees generally do not have a long life span.

Mayor Knight stated that he would call Mr. Breedlove.

Brenda Thompson made motion to adjourn. Tony Sells seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Last Updated on Wednesday, February 22 2017 14:18


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