Regular Meeting - February 16, 2016 PDF Print E-mail


Mayor Knight called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council on the above date. Council members Bruce Altznauer, Tim Smith, Anthony Sells and Brenda Thompson were present as were members of the public.


Mayor Knight called for and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Brenda Thompson made motion that the minutes of the January 19, 2016 meeting be approved as submitted. Anthony Sells seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Adrienne Lachappelle addressed the council and stated she had an itinerary for the list of upcoming events for Debbie Kilgore to keep on file. She said she wants to make sure the parks are all cleaned up nice. She said when they had the Easter egg hunt last year the trash had not been emptied, sticks were piled up around the trees and there were ant hills. Mayor Knight advised her that he would handle the clean up after the country fair. She said they are taking a new approach to make money for the fair. They are going to be raffling off a big green egg. She said we would like to ask for everyone’s help selling tickets. We are also asking for donations from the city which will help with the music in the park. If we raise $5000.00 we will receive a matching grant. Any help we can get Memorial Day weekend will be appreciated. Kris Bray said we will come up with a list of things people can volunteer to do. We are hiring someone to run and promote the fair. It falls on the same people every year. Terry Reeves is going to help and we are trying to bring in new people and vendors. Any input will be great. It is a lot of work. Mayor Knight stated that they should go to the local vendors first. Kris Bray said we are paying Terry Reeves to advertise and promote the fair. We do not have a set list of things yet. Mayor Knight said bring me a list. He said I will take care of the cleanup. Brenda Thompson said let us know what you need. Ouida Autry will post the information on the website. Kris Bray said the goal is to meet the $5000.00 donation by the end of June because of the matching grant. Music is getting bigger and costing more money. Tony Sells said I thought the tip money goes to the performers. Kris Bray said the money goes to us. We are trying to fix it to make money. Mayor Knight said just bring us the list.


Council member Tony Sells stated that he had talked to some of the people in the Indian Creek Subdivision and seventeen people said they would like to have city sewer. There were three people who said they did not care. He said what is the chance that we could get sewer there. Mayor Knight stated it is impossible. He said a pump station would be around $300,000.00 dollars and each homeowner would have to pay a tap fee of $3500.00 and another 8 to 10 dollars per foot to run it from the house to the tap to a line that would need to be run to the sewer pond on Centennial. In a nut shell I would say impossible. How many houses are there in the subdivision. Mr. Sells said forty-two. Mayor Knight said everybody’s water bill would double. Kris Bray said why would you want it. Tony Sells said the sewer floods my house, the septic won’t go out. He said every time it rains it floods my yard and my house. Mayor Knight said put a backflow on it. Mr. Sells said the toilets will not flush. Can we look into getting a grant. Debbie Kilgore stated that a grant was submitted for the lift station and sewer infrastructure on James Street but we were turned down. Mr. Sells asked could he look into a grant. Mayor Knight said yes.


Debbie Kilgore stated that the extra parts came in for the swings and they have all been installed. Mayor Knight advised the paint was in for the speed humps and will be done as soon as possible weather permitting. He stated that the dredging was still scheduled for the sewer pond as soon as Mr. Mathews recovers. Zack Pace inquired about the status of a speed hump being placed on Hawkins. Mayor Knight advised him that the traffic engineer advises as to where the speed humps were placed. Mr. Pace also stated that the trees on Hawkins were also a problem on the road way. Mayor Knight stated he would check the budget and see what can be done.

Brenda Thompson made motion to adjourn at 7:30 PM. Tony Sellers seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.




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