Public Hearing - June 23, 2014 PDF Print E-mail


Mayor Pro-Tem Brenda Thompson called to order the City of Rutledge public hearing. Council members Chad Cook, Bruce Altznauer and Tim Smith were present as were members of the public. Mayor James Bratcher was absent.


City clerk Debbie Kilgore went over the figures of the general fund budget. She also advised the council that they had a copy of the recreation budget that Ed Hogan had submitted. Ed Hogan addressed the council and stated they were building up the music in the park and providing it every Friday night so more expense was involved. Brenda Thompson asked what was the park maintenance line item for $500.00. He said it was things like tree trimming and other miscellaneous things. Brenda Thompson stated doesn’t our employees take care of the maintenance. Debbie Kilgore advised that we do all the grass cutting and other things. Debbie Kilgore stated that the request for music was originally $900.00 and it was put in the tourism line item. Recreation is asking for $1000.00 for music. Joellen Artz stated they only need $900.00. Bob Hughes from the chamber was present and asked the council if they had any questions. He said that they spend around $600.00 for postage. The chamber membership changed to $1500.00. Debbie Kilgore advised that the new figure was in the budget. Bob Hughes stated the chamber is not just Madison but all of Morgan County. He said they do a package deal. The city identifies who is in the chamber as far as the memberships. Bruce Altznauer stated the chamber funds are for tourism and I think it is wise to keep businesses coming. Brenda Thompson said she did not think the memberships should be for just the downtown. Joellen Artz stated that the mission statement says the city will promote the downtown area. Chad Cook stated that nothing states that the memberships are just limited to the downtown. Ed Hogan stated this was negotiated years ago with Ms. Copeland and goes back to 2002. Chad Cook said why would we want to pay for chamber fees. Ed stated it was used to help the businesses when the license fees went up. John Artz said it is a good deal for the merchants and a good deal for the city. Ed Hogan stated that the $1000.00 for summer camp was eliminated from the recreation budget. He said a tennis pro came two nights for $150.00 per night to teach the kids.

Brenda Thompson asked about the park dedication and Ed Hogan said he was not sure what it will cover. There was discussion about beautification having fund raisers for bleachers. ED Hogan said he would check with them about the bleachers.

Brenda and Zack Pace addressed the council about the large trees on the right of way on Hawkins Avenue next to the Hensler house that overhang in the road. They also asked who cuts the right of way. Debbie Kilgore stated that the city cuts the right of way. They asked that Hawkins Avenue be kept as nicely cut as the downtown area.

Bruce Altznauer made motion to adjourn regular session at 7:50. Tim Smith seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.

Tim Smith made motion to enter executive session to discuss personnel. Chad Cook seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.

Tim Smith made motion to exit executive session to enter regular session. Chad Cook seconded,all voted in favor and motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned.



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