Regular Meeting - May 19, 2014 PDF Print E-mail


Mayor pro –tem Brenda Thompson called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council on the above date. Council members Chad Cook, Tim Smith and Bruce Altznauer were present as were members of the public. Mayor James Bratcher was absent. Brenda Thompson stated that Mayor Bratcher was feeling better and hoped to be back by the June council meeting.


Brenda Thompson informed the council that a motion was needed to amend the agenda to add business license approval for Kaleidoscope Creative Center located at 114 Fairplay Road. Chad Cook made motion to amend the agenda to add business license approval. Tim Smith seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.

Brenda Thompson stated an application for a business license was received from Vicky Medlin for a fine and performing arts center called Savannah Bleiu Kaleidoscope Creative center located at 114 Fairplay. She said it is allowed. Chad Cook made motion to approve the business license for Kaleidoscope Creative Center. Bruce Altznauer seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried,


Tim Smith made motion to approve the minutes of the April 21, 2014 meeting as submitted. Bruce Altznauer seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Tara Cooner addressed the council and stated that if the language was sufficient on the personal care homes then it would go before Planning and Zoning in June and come back before the council in July. Debbie Kilgore asked Ms. Cooner if the City attorney had contacted her. She said that he had said some of the information was covered under the fair housing act. Tara stated she had not spoken to the attorney. She asked the council if they had any questions about the grass ordinance and if not then they would just need to have two readings to pass it. Bruce Altznauer asked about the enforcement of the ordinance. Chuck Jarrell stated it could be enforced by the council or code enforcement. Code enforcement would give notice to have it done by a certain amount of time and if it wasn’t taken care of then a citation would be issued or a tax lien could be put on the property. Tara stated as far as new business we were contacted last year about the possibility of an Inn in the city limits. The difference between an Inn and a Bed and Breakfast is that an Inn does not require the owner to live in the structure as does a Bed and Breakfast. If the city wishes to proceed with the addition of Inn to the Rutledge Zoning ordinance, staff suggests the language we submitted to you be sent to the Planning and Zoning Commission and then it would come back to the City Council for final approval. The definition of Inn would be added as: A building or buildings with lodging for up to eight guest rooms offered to the public for compensation, which may include kitchen facilities. The term should not be confused with a Bed and Breakfast, where owner occupation is required. Suggested zoning districts are AR, R1 and R2 as a conditional use. We were also contacted last year regarding the possibility of an event facility in the City of Rutledge. The definition of Event Facility is a building, structure, or site where events for entertainment are provided, for compensation in which the facility is rented or otherwise provided for payment, recompense, or remuneration, or in which a fee is charged to access the facility, in the form of admission charge, parking fee or other monetary exchange. The suggested zoning district would be AR as a conditional use only. There are restrictions, exceptions and site requirements in the language we submitted for you to review. Chuck Jarrell stated they had been asked for some language to be added to the animal ordinance. In 8-7 added livestock definitions and eliminated existing definition for livestock. Currently it is only allowed in the AR district. We looked at lot size not many would qualify for livestock. You could add to R1 and R2 but would not apply to farm already in operation. We would recommend that chicken houses stay in AR. The noncommercial keeping of livestock, or other large animals or fowl shall be permitted on lots of 2 acres or more in size. Currently your ordinance says no animal but domestic. Chad Cook said how many lots are 2 acres in size. Bruce Altznauer said could you downsize it. He said I have no problem with fowl as long as they are contained. Chuck Jarrell stated you tell me this is just suggested language. Chad Cook stated his were contained. Joellen Artz stated the ordinance doesn’t allow for chickens maybe you should recuse yourself from the meeting. Chad Cook stated we are just looking at the ordinances. John Artz stated I don’t have a problem with chickens in a coupe if there is a way to write it in the code. Chad asked what is state law. Chuck Jarrell said this is for grass fed only. These are recommendations. I can change the acreage or whatever you want. Brenda Thompson asked do we know how many people in Rutledge have chickens or animals. Frankie Beers stated that her next door neighbors at one time had parrots. Tara Cooner suggested a compromise of two acres for larger animals and remove acre limit for chickens as long as contained and has set backs from the property line and no roosters, limit the percentage based on less than one acre. She said two acres for hooved animals, for chickens, no roosters and setbacks. Tara Cooner said do you want us to move forward to the Planning Commission with Inns and Event Facilities. The council agreed.


Chuck Jarrell advised the council that it was time for the comprehensive plan rewrite. He said we want to put together the rewrite over three budget cycles. Fiscal year 2015 will include public involvement and budget, fiscal year 2016 - draft document, fiscal year 2017 – final revisions and adoption. We would like for you to think about setting aside funds for the plan. It will be based on population. We will run the census numbers to see what the breakdowns will be. We hope to have it completed and adopted by January 2017 and the drop dead deadline would be June 30, 2017. The service delivery strategy review is in 2015, you may want to start on that now. The funds requested will help pay for advertising and consultants.


Brenda Thompson advised the council that Stephen Dirkes had met with Debbie & Ouida about using the city park for filming the movie “Selma”. She said they have moved the date to June 12th. She said they also want to use the outside of the old jail. They will be contacting the sheriff’s department and were also working with the Baptist Church on the use of that property. They want exclusive use of the park and will be compensating the city and some of the merchants. They will be blocking off West Main Street. Chad Cook made motion to approve the request for use of the park and jail for the filming of “Selma”. Bruce Altznauer seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Brenda Thompson stated that three bids had been received for paving a portion of East Main Street and Fairplay. She said Pittman Construction bid 56,735 for E. Main and 59,539 for Fairplay. Key Paving bid 63,068 for East Main Street and 82,899 for Fairplay and A&B Contracting bid 82,899 for East Main Street and 113,928 for Fairplay. She advised that A&B Contracting acknowledged that he made a mistake on his bid because he was in a hurry said he would have been more in line with Key Paving. Bruce Altznauer stated even though Pittman was the lowest the bid was not very detailed. He said Key Paving listed everything. Tim Smith stated that Pittman listed a higher thickness and he was familiar with their work and they broke down the manholes. Chad Cook made motion to approve the bid from Pittman Construction for 56,735 for E. Main Street and 59,539 for Fairplay. Tim Smith seconded, Chad Cook voted For, Tim Smith voted for, Bruce Altznauer voted against and motion carried with a constitutional majority.


Debbie Kilgore advised the council that she did not have any new numbers to submit at this time due to waiting on digest figures and more information from the engineer. Joellen Artz addressed the council and stated the merchants had raised all but $900.00 for the musicians. She said the council had agreed last year to give $500.00 for a sign before the Dollar General came and asked that it be rolled over for music. She said the merchants were requesting a total of $900.00 for their consideration.

Chad Cook made motion to adjourn at 8:10. Tim Smith seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.



Last Updated on Tuesday, June 17 2014 13:34


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