Regular Meeting - January 21, 2014 PDF Print E-mail


Mayor James Bratcher called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council. Brenda Thompson, Chad Cook, Tim Smith and Bruce Altznauer were present as were members of the public.


Chad Cook made motion that the minutes of the December 16, 2013 meeting be approved as submitted. Brenda Thompson seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Brenda Thompson made motion to appoint Charles Merritt as the Rutledge Municipal Court Judge. Tim Smith seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried. Mayor Bratcher administered the oath to Charles Merritt as follows: “ I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully perform the duties of Municipal Court Judge of the City of Rutledge and that I will support and defend the charter thereof as well as the constitution and laws of the State of Georgia and the United States of America.”


Tim Smith made motion to appoint Brenda Thompson as mayor pro tem. Chad Cook seconded, all voted in favor and motioned carried.


Mayor Bratcher advised the council that a business license had been submitted for Carl Hilton for a cleaning supplies and janitorial service. It is allowed as a home office. The address is 237 James Street. Chad Cook made motion to approve the business license for Carl Hilton at 237 James Street. Tim Smith seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.

Mayor Bratcher stated that the next business license application had been submitted by John Artz. He advised Mr. Artz that he would need to clarify the exact nature of the business. He said it says manufacturing and that is not allowed in AG. Mr. Artz stated that the FAA requires we have a permanent location for the corporate office. He said the manufacturing and repairing parts would be done in Conyers. He said this is just a home office. Brenda Thompson made motion that the business license for Avionics Interface, Inc. located at 349 E. Dixie Hwy for home office only be approved. Bruce Altznauer seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Mayor Bratcher advised that there were three alcohol license submitted for approval as follows:

Rutledge Crossing, Park & Shop and Rutledge Liquor. He advised the council that everything had been submitted by each owner and all requirements have been met. He said each business would need a separate motion for approval.

Brenda Thompson made motion to approve the beer and wine license for Rutledge Crossing. Bruce Altznauer seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.

Brenda Thompson made motion to approve the beer, wine and distilled spirits application for Rutledge Liquor. Chad Cook seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.

Tim Smith made motion to approve the beer and wine application for Park and Shop. Chad Cook seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Frankie Beers addressed the council and stated the past several months she had been caring for and opening and closing the public restroom. The city has been buying the supplies and doing the repairs. She said the big rains we have had this winter, water has collected in both rooms. I don’t know if it is seeping through the walls or maybe the door. We may have to close the bathroom because of safety issues. The floor is very slippery when it is wet, and the standing water is an issue with the electric heater. We may have to close it if we can’t get it repaired. With the many events Rutledge has the public bathroom is a plus. James Bratcher said the day we had the three and one half inches of rain I checked the floor that afternoon. Chad Cook stated that the heavy rains can cause the water to seep up through the concrete. Mayor Bratcher stated we can take the heater out if it is a safety factor. As far as the repairs we will have to address that in the new budget. Debbie Kilgore advised the council that repairs and maintenance for buildings was already over budget. Mayor Bratcher stated we will address this and get back with you.


Dr. Hughes addressed the council and said that everyone was probably aware of the car break in at his parking lot that belonged to one of his patients. He said we are trying to create a more secure environment for the patients and staff. He said he was putting in some exterior lighting. He said he had purchased a security mirror so they can see in the parking lot before they leave the building. He said can we have someone put this on the pole or can we have permission to put it on the lamp post adjacent to the road and sidewalk. James Bratcher said the mirror could be put up as long as it does not block anyone’s view or interfere with the decorations. He advised that city employees could not put up the mirror.


Debbie Kilgore advised the council that Chuck Jarrell and Tara Cooner had come by city hall and wanted to schedule a meeting to discuss ordinance amendments and changes to see what direction the mayor and council were wanting before they got them ready to go before Planning and Zoning. Chuck Jarrell said to set a date and they would be here. He said they would bring some model ordinances for us to look at.


John Artz stated that zoning ordinances are not on the internet and it is difficult to come in city hall to look at it. Mayor Bratcher stated that we were in the process of updating the zoning and it would not be put on there until the updating process is over. John Artz stated that the Municode ordinances needed updating also. Mayor Bratcher advised that there were procedures to go through and we were in the process of doing that. John Artz stated the occupational tax information was outdated. Mr. Artz offered to help if the city needed him.


Debbie Kilgore advised the council that she received a phone call from Melanie in regards to advertising on the chamber map that is put out every two years. This came up back in December and the previous mayor declined the request. We directed them to the merchants association and I think they directed them back to us. Last year’s map was passed around for members to see. There is $1000.00 budgeted for tourism and we have spent $1095.00. We also pay for ten chamber memberships at $100.00 each. Mayor Bratcher stated that the city is not in the business to advertise for the merchants. Joellen Artz stated that it would be to promote downtown. She said I think we would get more for our money than the ten memberships. Ed Hogan said that the city is represented by the chamber. The chamber invites us to attend functions and they do the grand openings. Molly Lesnikowski stated that business license fees used to be $35.00 and then the city raised them to $100.00. The chamber membership was a way to offset the business license fee. Joellen Artz stated she would like to see us advertise in the state park map. Brenda Thompson made motion not to advertise in the Morgan County Chamber Map. Tim Smith seconded and motion carried.


Mayor Bratcher advised the council that the lift station on James Street was outdated and needs replacing. He said Guy Kemp has found a company that we can buy parts from for the outdated lift station. He asked the council if they wanted to hire RDC to write a grant for the money it would take to replace the two lift stations. Chad Cook asked what was the replacement costs and grant writing fee. Debbie Kilgore advised that the last grant we requested was for $200,000.00 which was to replace the one on Nunnally Street and James Street. She said the fee to write the grant was $2000.00. Bill Spann was present and advised the council that the James Street lift station has been an ongoing problem. Chad Cook made motion to approve the request to contact RDC for the grant writing for the lift stations. Tim Smith seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Mayor Bratcher stated that the city receives many complaints about dogs running at large and not being on leashes. Bruce Altznauer stated we need to be proactive. Mayor Bratcher stated individuals need to call animal control. Bruce Altznauer said we need to amend the ordinance or enforce it. Chad Cook said he did not think we had a serious dog problem. Bruce Altznauer said we have elderly people being accosted, people walking their dogs on leashes getting accosted and I don’t think that is right. We need to take a proactive stance, have animal control sweep the town. Bruce Altznauer read a sample letter he had written. Mayor Bratcher directed Debbie Kilgore to send out the letter regarding the leash law to all the citizens.


Molly addressed the council and said hopefully it was time for them to work on the park. She said that she brought drawings last year and they hope to do the work in phases. Beautification wants to put down curbing to contain the gravel that is in the parking area. She said we have done some rethinking on the basketball court cut thru. Beautification has the funds for this. City money will not be involved. Some private citizen money may also be used. We hope to do this by spring. Mayor Bratcher said that it has to be wide enough for the fire trucks and to find out what width they need. Molly said we are willing to pave that. Chad Cook stated the drive on the right is the park entrance we need some signage to let them know this is the entrance. Molly said then we will put in top soil and park benches. Right now it will just be curbing and top soil. Mayor Bratcher stated you need to let us know when you are going to start. He said the tree will be planted next week.

Brenda Thompson made motion to adjourn at 8:25pm. Chad Cook seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.



Last Updated on Wednesday, February 19 2014 15:09


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