Budget Hearing - June 25, 2012 PDF Print E-mail



Mayor Knight called the public hearing to order.  Council members Brenda Thompson and James Bratcher were present.  Council members Bill Spann and Chad Cook were absent.  A representative from the Morgan County Citizen was present but there were no citizens present.



City Clerk Debbie Kilgore went over budget figures with the city council.  She stated that the water and sewer rates had not been increased since 2007.  She advised that the figures she presented them with contained a rate increase of ten percent.  She said garbage rates would stay the same.  She gave out a sheet to show how the increase would affect the different user groups.  She said a minimum water bill of 2000 gallons would increase from $43.00 to $45.80.  This total includes garbage but with no increase to it.  It is a total increase for the minimum user of $2.80.  She stated we have had three increases to the cost we pay but have yet to pass it on.  I have compared rates to other cities our size and even with the increase we are still lower.  If we don’t get our rates to a certain level we will not be eligible to borrow money for the system should we need to.  I have included two valves and two large meters along with ¾ inch meters.  Mayor Knight stated we need to put money aside to build a sewage treatment plant.  Debbie Kilgore also advised the city truck was costing a lot of money in maintenance and repairs and a truck needs to be budgeted.  She went over line items on both budgets and answered questions.  She stated there are some expenses not yet put in.



No citizens were present.


Brenda Thompson made motion to adjourn.  James Bratcher seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.



Last Updated on Wednesday, July 18 2012 12:42


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