Regular Meeting - June 18, 2012 PDF Print E-mail



Mayor Spencer Knight called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council on the above date.  Council members Brenda Thompson, Chad Cook, Bill Spann and James Bratcher were present as were members of the public.



James Bratcher made motion that the minutes of the May 21, 2012 meeting be approved as submitted.  Brenda Thompson seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.



Mayor Knight turned the meeting over to mayor pro-tem Brenda Thompson at this time.  Brenda Thompson stated that an application was filed with Morgan County Planning and Zoning to allow a grocery store at 118 Fairplay by Jamie Knight.  She advised that the Planning and Zoning Board had voted unanimously to recommend approval of the application.  James Bratcher made motion to approve the conditional use to allow a grocery store at 118 Fairplay Street submitted by Jamie Knight.  Bill Spann seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.  Mayor Knight was called back to preside over the meeting at this time.



 Mayor Knight advised that a business license application had been submitted by Greg Cavender for a restaurant located at 124 Fairplay Street called Daddy V’s, LLC.  Greg Cavender was present and stated they would be serving pizza and wings.  Mayor Knight advised that it is allowed.  Brenda Thompson made motion to approve the business license for Greg Cavender for a restaurant located at 124 Fairplay Street.  Bill Spann seconded all voted in favor and motion carried. 



Mary Frazier addressed the council and stated that she found an interesting article in the newspaper about a little library that is just a little box that can hold about a dozen or so books.  She said I am a retired educator and I presented the idea to the garden club and they liked it.  We are here to see if you approve the plan and where we might be able to put it.  One place we were looking at is the old telephone box on the sidewalk, or a place by the business mailboxes on E. Main Street.  Mayor Knight said so this is just a little box that people reach in and get a book or drop one off.  Mary said we will monitor it on a weekly basis.  Spencer said it sounds like a great plan.  He said go get everything together and bring us a plan back.  James Bratcher advised that the telephone box could not be used because it is on CSX property.  Mary stated she would put a plan together and bring it back.



Kris Bray addressed the council and asked if they have talked anymore about the city parking lot.  Spencer said that we have been keeping an eye on the parking lately and we are just not ever seeing it full.  The city clerk stated that her data did not include weekends.  Kris said weekends and special events are a problem with parking.  We don’t have a lot of parking.  She said on the proposed parking lot at the shed is the fence going to stay.  Mayor Knight informed her that it was.  She asked if the city had considered buying the Turk house stating that it would make a good parking lot.  He said he was contacted when it was for sale and the cost was too much.  He said as far as additional parking we could look at putting some gravel back behind city hall at the dumpsters.  Joellen said weekends are unbearable with parking.  Ed Hogan asked how many cars would the proposed parking lot at the shed accommodate.  James Bratcher stated probably about twelve or fifteen.  Kris Bray said signs that say additional parking would help.  Mayor Knight advised that we could get signs within 10 days and put some up.


Joellen Artz addressed the council and said the merchants would like to have a sign put up at the corner of 278 and Newborn Road about downtown shops.  She said there used to be one there and there still is one at the cowboys building on 278.  She said it would be a permanent sign with a way to hang up something advertising different events that would be going on.  She said the merchants would landscape the area around the sign and maintain it.  Mayor Knight advised that a sign could not be put up on the property or any property without the owner’s permission.  Andy Ainsley stated that they could check with the bank of Madison about the empty lot on the corner of 278 as a possible location.  Spencer said the city can’t use tax payer’s money for merchant advertising.  Joellen stated that maybe the sign could say something about Historic Downtown Rutledge.  Joellen stated that she would get the permission and they would get together a design.  Mayor Knight said the city would work with them.


Molly Lesnikowski was present on behalf of the beautification committee and said they were willing to do a matching grant for a concert series in the park.  She said they would like to request $500.00 from the merchants and $500.00 from the city.  She said we are trying to keep music every Friday night and everybody would be paid the same amount.  It would run from Memorial Day to Labor Day.  Spencer said now we have Lamar with the Bluegrass.  Molly said they can’t commit to all dates.  She said we would like to open it up and call on the Sunflower Farms connections.  Debbie Kilgore advised that it could be budgeted in the seasonal line item.  Ed Hogan stated that the swing set in the park needed new chains and brackets and the trash bins needs new tops.


Dr. Hughes was not present but asked that handicap access and crosswalks to the city hall end of town be budgeted.  Mayor Knight said he would get with Dr. Hughes and work out the details.



Mayor Knight stated this is ongoing projects that Rutledge has set to do during this time period.  Brenda Thompson made motion to adopt the Resolution for the Rutledge STWP 2012-2017 dated March 2012.  Chad Cook seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.



Brenda Thompson made motion to table the park bid award.  Chad Cook seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.



Debbie Kilgore advised the council that she would be sending the ad to the paper for hearings on the new budget.  She said the dates would be June 25th for public input and adoption on July 16th.


Brenda Thompson made motion to adjourn.  Chad Cook seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.




Last Updated on Wednesday, July 18 2012 12:35


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