Mayor Knight called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council on the above date. Council members Brenda Thompson, Tom Strott, Bill Spann and James Bratcher were present as were members of the public.
Mayor Knight announced that a public hearing was scheduled to adopt the mileage rate on July 21st at 6:30 and 7:00. Commissioner Ainsley was present and informed the council that he had attended a SPLOST class and learned that we should be advertising in the newspaper each year what we have spent our SPLOST money on.
Bill Spann made motion that the minutes of the June 20th meeting be approved as submitted. Brenda Thompson seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.
Mayor Knight advised the council that Mr. Gillis was present and had submitted a business license application for a computer repair and consultation business located at 189-E Fairplay Road. He said that it is allowed as a home office. Mr. Gillis stated that the repairs would be done at the site in which they are located. Tom Strott made motion to approve the business license for GPC, Computer Repair and Consulting. Brenda Thompson seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.
Mayor Knight stated that Carlton Hilton, Jr. had applied for a business license for Valentine Supply a janitorial service located at 237 James Street. He said that it would only be an in home business and is allowed. Brenda Thompson made motion to approve the license for Carlton Hilton Jr. Tom Strott seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.
Mayor Knight advised the last business license for approval is located downtown at 126 Fairplay called Serendipity Collectables by Margaret McMickle. He stated that it will be collectibles, memorabilia, books, and is allowed in that zoning. Tom Strott made motion to approve the business license for Serendipity Collectibles. Bill Spann seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.
Mayor Knight advised the council that the tank on Fears Road needs to be cleaned and dried out until it is put back on line. He said the reason for doing this is so it will not rust on the inside. Utility Service maintains our other tank and the cost for the Fears Road tank is $2,850.00. Tom Strott made motion to approve the quote from Utility Service in the amount of 2,850.00. Brenda Thompson seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.
Mayor Knight stated under our current ordinance it says that anyone who applies for a alcohol license must be fingerprinted each year. The amendment states that you only have to be fingerprinted for new alcohol license and not the renewals. It will require you to be fingerprinted if it is a new first time application unless the ownership changes. Brenda Thompson made motion to approve the first reading amending the alcohol license requirements. James Bratcher seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.
Mayor Knight stated that the ordinance needs to be written so that the applicants do not have to come before the council to get their license approved if it is an allowed use in that zoning district. Debbie Rutherford stated she did not feel comfortable with approving a new license. Tom Strott said the ordinance should be amended so that the mayor could approve the license with the stipulation that if there are any gray areas or questions the mayor would kick it back to the council to approve. The council advised the city clerk to talk to the attorney.
Marty Boyd with Carter & Sloope Engineers stated that the City received a grant of $62,400.00 to renovate the park on Fairplay Road. He said that he brought a set of draft plans to go over with the council. The development is a multi phased approach, ball field, skate park, basketball court and walking trail. He said we have had discussions on the overall size of the field. A field of 285 feet should be adequate for female slow pitch. Problems are the property line and storm retention pond. We have budgeted $50,000.00 just for the field. We are going to have to do some grading once we get the cost estimates. He also advised that they could have elevated seating. He said the 285ft field will not allow for a walking trail. James Bratcher asked can we incorporate the walking trail on the ball field. Marty stated that they could do that. Tom Strott stated you can leave the fence open on each side of the ball field. Discussions on basketball were that there would be just one court. He advised the parking lot would be gravel and the walking trail would be mulch. He asked the council if they wanted irrigation, they answered yes. Tom Strott stated that we need provisions for lights. Marty advised that there is a condition that says no overhead utilities. Tom asked does the city bear that expense. Marty answered yes and the cost is about $10,000.00 and it will have to go underground.
Marty Boyd advised the council that they had hit the mother load of water with the new well that had been drilled. He stated that it is an artesian well with 20 gallons per minute coming out of the ground. He said we did the test well and the production well will be the official permitted well. He said it pumps more than 200 gallons per minute. The first thing we have to get done is getting a cap on it or develop it. We can’t let it sit because of iron bacteria. We need to decide how we want to move forward. EPD will let it stand idle for three years and then it must be abandoned. We have had an unofficial water test and it came back good.
No information at this time.
Debbie Rutherford advised the council that she had met with Nelson Smith about the city advertising on the map of Morgan County. She stated that the cost would be $1,195.00 for two years. Tom Strott stated maps would be obsolete soon since most people have GPS now and he would be inclined to say no to the advertising. The other council members agreed.
Tom Strott made motion to leave regular session for the purpose of entering executive session for personnel reasons. Brenda Thompson seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried. Brenda Thompson made motion to leave executive session and re-enter regular session. Tom Strott seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.
Mayor Knight stated that personnel issues had been discussed and a motion needed to be made in regards to employee increases. Bill Spann made motion to give an across the board five percent increase to all employees. James Bratcher seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.
Brenda Thompson made motion to adjourn the meeting. Tom Strott seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.